Dotan Cohen a écrit :
declarative mapping of urls to code

Apache does this, unless I am misunderstanding you.

Using url rewriting ? Yes, fine. Then tell me how you implement "reverse" url generation (like Django or Routes do).

of code to templates

Those who code in HTML don't need this.


In any case it's not hard to
call a function in a class that writes the HTML before the content,
then write the content, then call another function that writes the
HTML after the content.

Hmmm, yummy !  And SO maintainable...

This is how my sites are run, though in PHP
instead of Python. No prepackaged templates.

PHP *is* a template language.


I would really like to know what else. So far, I am not convinced that
a framework offers anything that is not already easily accomplished in

Given that we're talking about Python frameworks, it seems obvious that what they do can be accomplished in Python. Now the question is how much you like to write the same boring and error-prone boilerplate code project after project...


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