>> While I know that to be true in the general sense, from what I've
>> looked at Django and other frameworks it seems that the web frameworks
>> push the coder to use templates, not letting him near the HTML.
> Well... there must be a reason, for sure... No ?

ֹYes, but I don't like it.

>> Django and the other frameworks seem to
>> force the user to use templates.
> Not at all. Nothing prevents you from shooting yourself in the foot and
> generating HTML "by hand" in your view functions (or request handler methods
> etc, depending on the framework).

How is this done in Django, then?

> This is just plain stupid wrt/
>  readability, maintainability, reuse and whatnot, but hey, if you want to
> waste your time, please do. As far as i'm concerned, I'm very happy to let
> the HTML coder write the HTML part and the application programmer write the
> applicative part - even when I end up wearing both caps.

I've done stupider things.

>> I just want the functions, and to
>> print the HTML as stdout to the  browser making the request. I had to
>> settle on PHP to do this,
> Why so ? Almost any programming language can do CGI.

And I settled on PHP because it does what I need. However, I would
prefer to move it to Python for the benefit of using the same language
in the different places that I code for (such as personal applications
for the desktop, pyqt).

Dotan Cohen


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