Graham Dumpleton wrote:

If the work is indeed long running, the backend process would normally
just acknowledge the request and not wait. The web page would return
and it would be up to user to then somehow occassionally poll web
server, manually or by AJAX, to see how progres is going. That is,
further XML-RPC requests from main server to backend daemon process
asking about progress.
this is exactly what we do with the long runners. The wsgi (django in our case) process can work out how long the process is likely to take and either responds directly or offloads the job to an xmrpc server and responds with a page containing a token allowing access to the queue server which refreshes periodically to determine job status etc etc. When the job finishes the refresh request returns the job result and finishes looping. In our case we don't need to worry about people abandoning the job since the results are cached and may be of use to others (typical case produce brochure containing details of all resources in a country or large city). To avoid overload the xmlrpc server is only allowed to run 3 active threads from its queue.
Robin Becker


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