On Feb 11, 7:59 pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> On Feb 11, 8:50 pm, Robin <robi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am building some computational web services using soaplib. This
> > creates a WSGI application.
> > However, since some of these services are computationally intensive,
> > and may be long running, I was looking for a way to use multiple
> > processes. I thought about using multiprocessing.Process manually in
> > the service, but I was a bit worried about how that might interact
> > with a threaded server (I was hoping the thread serving that request
> > could just wait until the child is finished). Also it would be good to
> > keep the services as simple as possible so it's easier for people to
> > write them.
> > I have at the moment the following WSGI structure:
> > TransLogger(URLMap(URLParser(soaplib objects)))
> > although presumably, due to the beauty of WSGI, this shouldn't matter.
> > As I've found with all web-related Python stuff, I'm overwhelmed by
> > the choice and number of alternatives. I've so far been using cherrypy
> > and ajp-wsgi for my testing, but am aware of Spawning, twisted etc.
> > What would be the simplest [quickest to setup and fewest details of
> > the server required - ideally with a simple example] and most reliable
> > [this will eventually be 'in production' as part of a large scientific
> > project] way to host this sort of WSGI with a process-per-request
> > style?
> In this sort of situation one wouldn't normally do the work in the
> main web server, but have a separarte long running daemon process
> embedding mini web server that understands XML-RPC. The main web
> server would then make XML-RPC requests against the backend daemon
> process, which would use threading and or queueing to handle the
> requests.
> If the work is indeed long running, the backend process would normally
> just acknowledge the request and not wait. The web page would return
> and it would be up to user to then somehow occassionally poll web
> server, manually or by AJAX, to see how progres is going. That is,
> further XML-RPC requests from main server to backend daemon process
> asking about progress.
> I do't believe the suggestions about fastcgi/scgi/ajp/flup or mod_wsgi
> are really appropriate as you don't want this done in web server
> processes as then you are at mercy of web server processes being
> killed or dying when part way through something. Some of these systems
> will do this if requests take too long. Thus better to offload real
> work to another process.

Thanks - in this case I am contrained to use SOAP (I am providing SOAP
services using soaplib so they run as a WSGI app). I choose soaplib
becuase it seems the simplest way to get soap services running in
Python (I was hoping to get this setup quickly).
So I am not really able to get into anything more complex as you
suggest... I have my nice easy WSGI app soap service, I would just
like it to run in a process pool to avoid GIL. Turns out I can do that
with apache+mod_wsgi and daemon mode, or flup forked server (I would
probably use ajp - so flup is in a seperate process to apache and
listens on some local port, and apache proxies to that using the ajp
protocol). I'm not sure which one is best... for now I'm continuing to
just develop on cherrypy on my own machine.

I suspect I will use ajp forked flup, since that only requires
mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp which I understand come with standard
apache and the system administrators will probably be happier with.



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