On Feb 11, 9:32 pm, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumple...@gmail.com>
> 2009/2/12 alex goretoy <aleksandr.gore...@gmail.com>:
> > GAE (Google App Engine) uses WSGI for webapps. You don't have to overhead of
> > managing a server and all it's services this way as well. Just manage dns
> > entries. Although, there are limitations depending on your project needs of
> > what libs you need to use.
> GAE is not suitable as they kill off any requests that take more than
> a set time. That time isn't that long, so can't support long running
> requests.

GAE is definitely not suitable in this case... The servers are
provided and maintained as part of a large scientific project for
which I am providing just a few services... Other groups are running
services in other platforms on tomcat through soaplab/instantsoap -
but I was hoping to use native python services since I thought it
would be easier.



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