Hi I am trying to send Data to a website through "http" using "urllib.request" library using the bellow code. Response status code contains. 200 (OK) but Response contains nothing...
With same data When I test using C# it working fine.. Response having.. some data in xml format. But I am using below python code i am getting response only "<HTML></ HTML>". Is there any in my code.. req = urllib2.Request(url) // url is valid url req.add_header('Authorization','AuthSub token="xxxxxxxxxxxxx"') req.add_header('Content-Type','application/atom+xml') req.data=data // data is having valid xml data r = urllib2.urlopen(req) print(r.code) // output 200 print(r.msg) // output OK print(r.read()) //<HTML></HTML> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list