Yes they look to be ok now.  Although for future reference, both Windows XP
and 7 workers did initially break - apparently due to an incompatibility
when using Python < 2.7 on the worker (I have 2.6 on those machines).  The
master is sending remote methods down using unicode for method names.  So
2.7+ appears to be a worker requirement in this mixed-mode setup (though I
doubt any new worker would try to use 2.6).
For now, I've locally modified my version of twisted on each buildbot to
deal with that, pending time to have them upgraded to 2.7 (or possibly in
the Win7 case, just go to 3.x).

I'm not sure if that might be the same issue with kloth-win64.

-- David

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:59 PM, Craig Rodrigues <>

> On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 1:46 PM, David Bolen <> wrote:
>> Oh, and I can offer any of my Windows workers for interoperability
>> testing if you'd like me to temporarily configure them to an
>> additional master.  At least one of them (XP) is probably not worth
>> the effort of getting to (a) vs. (b).
> I don't think I need this right now.
> If I look at:
> Your windows buildbot workers seem to be working fine with the new
> buildbot master.
> This is one buildbot worker kloth-win64 which is not working.
> I don't know what the problem with that one is.
> --
> Craig
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