On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 8:02 AM, R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com>

> The question most relevant to this list is, what are the consequences on
> the slave maintainers?  Assuming we convert the master, will the slaves
> be required to run python3/0.9?  (That would certainly be desirable,
> but would it be required?)

> Are there advantages for the slave maintainers in the new version?

In Buildbot 9, the terminology has changed from "slave" to "worker", so I
will use that term. :)

I would like to propose the following strategy for Python.org's buildbot
upgrade strategy.

(1)  The master will be upgraded to Buildbot Nine, running under Python 3.

(2)  The existing buildbot workers will remain unchanged running at their
current 0.8.x versions under Python 2.

(3)  Over time, the buildbot workers can be upgraded to 0.9.x under Python
2 or 3, as is convenient for
      the maintainers of those workers.

There is no rush on this, and I am willing to put the effort to push fixes
into Buildbot and Twisted
in order to get this to work.

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