On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 1:46 PM, David Bolen <db3l....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Over a longer period, I'm curious about the preferences - are there
> concrete benefits in our environment of 0.9 over 0.8 on the worker
> side?  E.g., what does upgrading bring on the worker side?

On the worker side, the are no performance improvements migrating
a buildbot-worker from 8 to 9.  The only things that are there are:
  -> buildbot 8 worker will not run under Python 3, and never will
  -> I performed some minor cleanups in the buildbot-worker code regarding
bytes vs. unicode issues.
      Not a major deal with a setup where mostly ASCII is involved, but
      an issue when dealing with non-ASCII output from commands,
      and when the locale is set to something which is not UTF-8.
      For example, I'm working with someone in China who is trying
      to set up buildbot 9 + Python 3 + cp936 locale.
      I haven't fully fixed those issues in the buildbot-worker because I
don't have access
      to Windows set up with that locale. :)   But I'm slowly working
through the issues and fixing things.

For python.org, I don't think these issues are really a concern right now,
because the python.org jobs and builders are doing mostly ASCII and UTF-8
compatible stuff,
and not using any "exotic" locales on the worker.

buildbot was written quite a while ago, and the assumptions about
bytes/unicode were done in the Python 2 days.  Obviously this has to be
properly for Python 3   :)

> Oh, and I can offer any of my Windows workers for interoperability
> testing if you'd like me to temporarily configure them to an
> additional master.  At least one of them (XP) is probably not worth
> the effort of getting to (a) vs. (b).

Thank you for the offer.  I will contact you off the list to coordinate
setting up
some test environment.  I'm a bit busy in the next few days, but maybe next

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