When another project tried to convert from Buildbot 0.8 to 0.9 earlier
this year, it was a total disaster and had to be reverted.  I don't
know if 0.9 has improved substantially since then.

My experience is that 0.9 invested a lot of effort to make the UI
pretty, but it was much less usable. It also placed an order of
magnitude higher computational burden on the master. An under-powered
master could not be effectively queried and builds started to fall

Thanks, David

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 6:27 AM, Craig Rodrigues <rodr...@crodrigues.org> wrote:
> In the past two years, I've put a lot of effort into porting the following
> to Python 3:
> Twisted:
> https://www.slideshare.net/CraigRodrigues1/the-onward-
> journey-porting-twisted-to-python-3
> Buildbot:
> https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&;
> q=is%3Aclosed%20is%3Apr%20author%3Arodrigc%20
> I would like to help Python.org move to Buildbot 9 + Python 3 for the
> following
> reasons:
> (1)  Python.org currently uses Buildbot 0.8.14.  This branch of buildbot is
> not under active development and is not being ported to Python 3.
> (2)  The current version of Buildbot (0.9.11) is on the main branch which
> is actively maintained.  This branch has been ported to Python 3.
> (3)  Buildbot 0.8.14 is not actively being maintained.
> (4)  Buildbot 0.9.x is actively receiving updates for new features such as
> Docker support, and support for Hyper.sh.
> A while back, I worked with Zachary Ware, who set up a proof of concept of
> running Buildbot 9 on Python.org.
> Zachary set this up:
> https://buildbot.python.org/test/
> That is an instance running Buildbot 9, using Python 3.4.3 and Twisted
> 17.5.0.
> This is only a proof of concept, and is not actively being used or worked
> on.
> What are the next steps to completely convert Python.org to use Buildbot 9?
> Who can help with this?
> --
> Craig
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