On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Daniel Pittman <dan...@rimspace.net> wrote:

> [...]
> Your client logs *still* show that there is no MOTD stuff being touched at
> all; try this on the client that should manage MOTD and see what is output:
>    puppetd --test --debug 2>&1 | grep -i motd
> I suspect the answer will be "nothing is output".
> If you post those results, and the content of your MOTD class (or a pointer
> to
> your entire set of manifests) we should be better able to help narrow this
> down...
I do appreciate your help.

OK, right, nothing is output on the client from puppetd --test --debug 2>&1
| grep -i motd

/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp contains this at the top line:  import
/etc/puppet/manifests/modules.pp contains this line at the top: import
/etc/puppet/modules/motd/manifests/init.pp looks like this

class motd {

    include prodcomputenode
    include prodgateway
    include testcomputenode
    include testgateway

/etc/puppet/modules/motd/manifests/prodgateway looks like this

class motd::prodgateway {

    file { "/etc/motd":
        owner   => "root",
        group   => "root",
        mode    => 644,
        source => $architecture ? {
            x86_64  => "puppet:///motd/motd_x86prodgw",
            default => "puppet:///motd/motd_x86prodgw",

and, of course /etc/puppet/modules/motd/files contains the file
motd_x86prodgw which has the message of the day.

On the client facter returns --among other things-- architecture => x86_64

/etc/puppet/fileserver.conf contains these lines:

path /etc/puppet/modules/motd/files
allow *.vampire

On the server puppetca --list --all returns

+ vmps07.vampire

which is my test client and is defined as a gateway box in the
/etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp file: node 'vmps07.vampire' inherits
x86prodgateway {}

x86prodgateway is defined in  /etc/puppet/manifests/templates.pp

node x86prodgateway inherits basenode {
include motd::prodgateway
include rclocal::prodgateway
include rhosts::prodcluster
include hosts::prodhosts
include torque::prodcluster
include syslog
 file { "/usr/lib64/libg2c.so":
ensure => link,
                target => "/usr/lib64/libg2c.so.0.0.0",
 file { "/usr/lib64/libgfortran.so":
ensure => link,
                target => "/usr/lib64/libgfortran.so.1.0.0",

basenode is defined like so:

node basenode {
  include sudo
  include envvars
  include selinux
  include autofs
  include ntp
  include puppetconf
  include static
  include torque::common
  include bash

node default inherits basenode {}

Thanks again.



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