On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:50 PM, cnjohnson <gm.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Today has not been a good day! :)
> I made a small change in /modules/motd/files to see if it would be
> propagated to 1 client (of ~850) I am testing with.
> Previously my puppetmasterd and clients were both at 0.24.8.
> Everything worked swimmingly. Now, even though the
> client and server "communicate" the motd on the client remains
> stubbornly unchanged.
> The only error message appears on the server:
> (Module custom(/etc/puppet/modules/custom)) using the deprecated
> 'plugins' directory for ruby extensions; please move to 'lib'
> I'll track that one down, but it shouldn't prevent the rest of the
> modules from being executed on the client, should it? I am again at
> a loss.

you probably want post some debug output to get more help.

Also I pull'd this http://github.com/reductivelabs/puppet/tree/master/ext/rack
and used this to fix my passenger issue.

Is your puppetmasterd running as user puppet ?

> Again, any insights would be most welcome.
> Cheers--
> Charles
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Asif Iqbal
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