Charles Johnson <> writes:

> I have verified that if I add this to site.pp


> The file is indeed created as requested.
> The imports, however, do not seem to be effective:
> import "modules"
> import "templates"
> import "nodes"

Er, did you include the class that manages the MOTD file anywhere?
Your debug output says no, because nothing mentions motd at all...

The way to use modules is, roughly:

node "" { include motd }

class motd {
    file { "/etc/motd": content => "You ran my example?" }

The 'include' part is the key; modules don't just do things without being

> I have changed *nothing* except the server moving from 0.24.8 to 0.25.4. Do
> I have to delete all the puppet directories on all the clients? (Ugh!)

No.  This just works(tm), aside from the need to change the file paths to
reflect the new "files in modules" path vs the old "files in modules" path.


At least, not on my 50-odd nodes it didn't.
✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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