2009/4/21 Bjørn Dyre Dyresen <bj...@dyresen.net>:
> We had this problem when we hit the scaling wall running webrick. We then
> moved our puppetmaster to a beefy server (dual quadcore with 16 GB ram).
> Here we run six puppetmasterds with mongrel and stored config. On the same
> server we run nginx. With this setup we can loop over a lot of servers
> restarting puppet client without any trouble at all. I tried doing more than
> 100 at the time without any trouble. So it certainly performs.
> After setting this up the problem with dead puppet clients seemed to vanish.
> I have no idea how many servers you are running, but when pulling every
> fifth minute they sure should get some traffic. You will hit the scaling
> wall earlier.  If you have 50 servers you need a setup that other people
> would use for a two/three hundred server setup. Are you really sure you need
> to pull that often?

If scaling was involved I would expect Puppetd to be slow, not to die.
 I have about 12 servers that hit a single puppetmasterd through the
Internet, with a lot of puppet:// resources, and every 5 minutes.
Anyway, I'll try that setup if it worked for you, especially as you
mention that "dead puppet clients" disappeared.

Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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