We are using puppetd though cron, and it seems to me much more reliable and
much less resource hungry..

if you have more than a few clients, switch to mongrel/passenger.
WAN is not a real issue if its stable, of course it takes longer runs but...


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Jean-Baptiste Quenot <cara...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2009/4/6 Mike Renfro <ren...@tntech.edu>:
> > I'd normally expect that to work, but I just have puppet keep cron
> > running, and have a periodic cron job that checks if puppet has died,
> > and if so, restarts it:
> Interesting, but why would you expect Puppet to die? Would you expect
> Apache, Nginx or worse MySQL to die randomly like this?
> I'm a Puppet user since nearly two years now, and in the big picture
> of my web servers I find that puppetd is not the most reliable piece
> of software.  It dies every day, and my colleagues complain about this
> regularly because their installed packages are not uptodate as they
> expect.  So I have to start it again and again on all machines.  Is
> Puppetd dying because of network problems?  I believe so, but I think
> it should be fixed instead of finding creative ways to keep puppetd
> running, especially since I request it to run every 5 minutes as a
> daemon.
> Is anyone using puppetd in a WAN setup with default Webrick server
> successfully?  Shall I switch the HTTP server to Mongrel to gain
> reliability?  I'll test this setup.  But if puppetd fails on the
> client side, I'm not certain that changing the server's HTTP server
> would actually prevent the client to fail at all...
> I'm a bit eager with this, and I'm really looking forward to find a
> solution, community-wise.  Your comments are welcome.
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Quenot
> http://jbq.caraldi.com/
> >

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