Hi Ryan,

Further to my late posting. I have carried out following test

From Control Center -> File Browsing -> File Associations -> Application -> MSWord
Delete AbiWord leaving only OpenOffice behind

At 06:58 PM 12/3/2002 -0500, Ryan Camick wrote:
- snip -
from /etc/pluggerrc:

application/x-msword: doc, dot: Microsoft Word Document
application/msword: doc, dot: Microsoft Word Document
        nokill exits: oowriter "$file"
        repeat swallow(AbiWord) fill: AbiWord -nosplash -geometry
+9000+9000 "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
        repeat swallow(PCFileViewer) fill: sdtpcv "$file"
        repeat swallow(PCFileViewer) fill: /opt/SUNWdtpcv/bin/sdtpcv
They are already there except making following adjustment
1) Delete application/rtf: rft: Rich Text Format
2) Add nokill exits: oowriter "$file"

The content looks exactly as your recommendation

Tested with

yahoo.com MSOfficeXP doc can be opened with a click on it and read correctly
lycos.om MSOfficeXP doc died on clicking
hotmail.com MSOfficeXP doc can not be opened on clicking

yahoo.com, lycos.com, hotmail.com
MSOfficeXP doc can be opened with a click, with unknown application, and could not be read correctly in original shape (a table)

Any suggestion. Thanks

Stephen Liu

If you can't find a solution with our answers so far, could you provide
us with more info please?  The web browser you are using is important
for us to know.  Also check if you have plugger installed.  If you do,
it handles msword mime-type files (as well as audio/pictures etc).


PS - You could also remove AbiWord, if you have no use for it, and see
if your browser will automatically use OpenOffice instead :)

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