Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your advice

I used Konqueror

After making following editing
From Control Center -> File Browsing -> File Associations ...
moving OpenOffice up above AbiWord

I sent an email with a document created on MS OfficeXP, a table inside, as attachment to following email accounts respectively.


I used Konqueror to browse their websites. Only in yahoo.com the aforesaid document can be opened with a click in OpenOffice and read correctly. In the other 2 websites, clicking the document it died automatically. It looks to me a little bid funny. I also tried Netscape with the same result.

Have your had any idea how to fix this problem

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

(Remark: I will try Mozilla later)

At 06:58 PM 12/3/2002 -0500, Ryan Camick wrote:
On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 04:56, Stephen Liu wrote:
> While viewing web mails on a website such as lycos.com, yahoo.com,
> hotmail.com, etc. clicking their attached documents will start
> 'AbiWord'. But unfortunately some documents created with MSOffice could
> not be read exactly in AbiWord in its original form, particularly, a
> table. The document must be read in OpenOffice to maintain its original shape.
> Kindly advise how to change the link to start OpenOffice instead of AbiWord

If you are using Mozilla, and have plugger installed, you may look at
/etc/pluggerrc, it's config file. I only have OpenOffice installed
here, and Mozilla uses it to view MsWord .doc files when opening one
from my webmail account (using SquirrelMail, because Hotmail wouldn't
accept the 2.4MB .doc I had handy). What I see here is OpenOffice being
the default, or first application tried.

from /etc/pluggerrc:

application/x-msword: doc, dot: Microsoft Word Document
application/msword: doc, dot: Microsoft Word Document
nokill exits: oowriter "$file"
repeat swallow(AbiWord) fill: AbiWord -nosplash -geometry
+9000+9000 "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
repeat swallow(PCFileViewer) fill: sdtpcv "$file"
repeat swallow(PCFileViewer) fill: /opt/SUNWdtpcv/bin/sdtpcv

If you can't find a solution with our answers so far, could you provide
us with more info please? The web browser you are using is important
for us to know. Also check if you have plugger installed. If you do,
it handles msword mime-type files (as well as audio/pictures etc).


PS - You could also remove AbiWord, if you have no use for it, and see
if your browser will automatically use OpenOffice instead :)

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