On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 01:56, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi All Folks,
> While viewing web mails on a website such as lycos.com, yahoo.com, 
> hotmail.com, etc. clicking their attached documents will start 
> 'AbiWord'.  But unfortunately some documents created with MSOffice could 
> not be read exactly in AbiWord in its original form, particularly, a 
> table.  The document must be read in OpenOffice to maintain its original shape.
> Kindly advise how to change the link to start OpenOffice instead of AbiWord

What browser are you using? Sounds like you'll need to play with the
mime settings in that browser. In Mozilla, look in Edit --> Preferences
--> Navigator --> Helper Applications. 

> Thanks in advance.
> Stephen Liu
Michael Knepher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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