Hi Joe,

Thanks for your response

It will be more clear to post following story which is self-explanatory.

After making following editing
From Control Center -> File Browsing -> File Associations ...
moveing OpenOffice up on top of AbiWord

I sent an email with a document created on MS OfficeXP, a table inside, as attachment to following email accounts respectively.


I used Konqueror to browse their websites. Only in yahoo.com the aforesaid document can be opened with a click in OpenOffice and read correctly. In the other 2 websites, clicking the document it died automatically. It looks to me a little bid funny. I also tried Netscape with the same result.

Have any folk on the list had any idea how to fix this problem

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

At 01:07 PM 12/3/2002 -0500, Joe Klemmer wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Stephen Liu wrote:

> While viewing web mails on a website such as lycos.com, yahoo.com,
> hotmail.com, etc. clicking their attached documents will start
> 'AbiWord'.  But unfortunately some documents created with MSOffice could
> not be read exactly in AbiWord in its original form, particularly, a
> table.  The document must be read in OpenOffice to maintain its original
> shape.
> Kindly advise how to change the link to start OpenOffice instead of
> AbiWord

        I don't think this is a webmail question.  I mean, you aren't
reading email with a webmail app like SquirrelMail or NeoMail.  I'm
guessing that you are reading email in Evolution or KMail and are
referring to the ability to click on an attachment to read it.  If this is
the case, can you repost your message with a subject line that better
describes the problem?  Maybe something like "How to change default app to
open attachments in Evolution" or something like that so people will have
a better idea of what you really need.

        FWIW, I would like to know the same thing, too.  :-)

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