On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 13:35, Richard Potter wrote:
> On 8 Nov 2002, Robert L. Cochran wrote:
> > I did go to the Chantilly, VA stop of the road tour. I didn't see anyone
> > who looks scary! The Red Hat people look just like anyone else to me. I
> > am still wondering if some Red Hat employees are following the bus and
> > attending the stops "incognito". For example, way in the back row with
> > me, 2 seats to my left, was a lady wearing a shirt that has a graphic of
> > a cheetah and the words "Operation Cheetah Flip". I had this feeling she
> > works for Red Hat, but didn't have the nerve to ask her.
> Sadly, they seem to have a reluctance to come to Canada. Maybe they are not 
> allowed across the border! (just kidding).
> PS: We have *real* beer!
I beg to differ,  only in Australia can you get real beer,  and they are
not coming here either.  they need to expand the road tour to a World

> Cheers!
> -- 
> Richard Potter RHCE
> Re/Max
> Kingston, ON  CANADA 
> -- 
> Psyche-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list

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