On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 11:48, Chris Kloiber wrote:

> > http://www.paulaner.com/search.php?state=NC&beverage=hackerpschorr
> Thank you for contributing to my future drunken stupor!

        I almost missed this link.  Looking through the Paulaner Brews page I
found two of the beers I did occasionally imbibe.  The Hefe-Weizen for
taste and enjoyment; and the greatest of all fest beers - Salvator!  The
Salvator fest was mandatory during my years in Munich.  Just look at the
Alcohol Content for it.  The fest beer was even stronger.  There's even
a story that goes with it...

        Oh the days of bringing young GI's and Collage kids, who all thought
they could hang in beer drinking, to the fest.

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