On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 10:25, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> >     Actually, while Canada and Australia have beer that is "real" (as
> >opposed to the swill water that's here in the US), one must go to
> >Germany to find the Best Beer<tm>. 

Ohhhh, I'd like some Hacker-Pschorr please! Compared to Hacker-Pschorr,
Guinness is just a light appetizer! 

> Whatever you do, don't drink the American beer "Sam Adams".  I 

Agreed. Recycled revolutionary war piss-water.

> made that mistake last week.  Tastes like watered down beer with 
> cigarette ashes and toothpaste in it.
> Who wants beer that tastes like toothpaste?  Ick...  ;o)

Could have something to do with the chlorine and fluorine they pump into
the drinking water around here in the USA to kill bugs and shine your

Chris Kloiber, RHCE                                       Red Hat,Inc.
Enterprise Support                 aka                1801 Varsity Dr.
Hardware Certification          "WireHead"           Raleigh, NC 27606

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