When the employee said "they won't send us any," I would think that
means that the CompUSA distributor will not send them any.  Not RedHat.
RedHat most likely does not ship directly to the stores themselves, and
so probably the people in charge at CompUSA are up to this scheme and
not RedHat.  That's just my take on it.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:psyche-list-admin@;redhat.com]
On Behalf Of Robert P. J. Day
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Fast mirror?

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I tried 3 CompUSA's yesterday out of curiosity - one in person and 2
> the phone (I already ordered from Amazon).  Here is a composite of
> I heard from all 3 of them:
>   ME:       Do you have the new 8.0 release of RedHat Linux?
>   EMPLOYEE: No, we're still carrying 7.3.  As a matter of
>             fact, we also have 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 and
>             6.something-or-other.  But we will be getting
>             8.0 and it's cheaper than 7.3.
>   ME:       When will you be getting 8.0 then?
>   EMPLOYEE: They won't send us any until we get can sell of
>             some of these 7.3 boxes.

this is an ugly trend, but there's a simple way to deal with it.  don't 
buy the boxed set anymore -- and send a message to red hat that this is
unacceptable behavior.

look at it this way -- one of the benefits of the boxed set is the
accompanying documentation.  after all, some folks like to plop down on
the couch with a book and peruse it just to see what they're about to
get immersed in.

the really impatient ones will download the release and, in a gesture
of support for red hat, buy the boxed set anyway.  but the more time
passes between the download and when one can get one's hands on the
boxed set, the less appealing it becomes to buy the box.  after all,
once you've installed and worked with it for a while, there's no
real benefit to the extras you get with the box.

i'm hoping the compusa experience described above is an aberration, but
if this is typical, i'm not going to be shelling out any more money for
boxed sets.  until now, i've *always* purchased an official set to
support red hat, but if this is the sort of strong-arming we can expect,
no more.


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