On 30 Sep 2002 14:04:01 -0700 Jesse Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> opined:

> On 30 Sep 2002 13:57:51 -0700
> Jim Hayward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> # I called Office Max and Office Depot. I know they used to carry some
> # Linux boxed sets.
> #
> # Office Max - no
> # Office Depot only sells windoze....he got upset when i offered my
> # condolences. ;-)
> Try CompUSA.

You're joking... Right?   I tried 3 CompUSA's yesterday out of curiosity - one in 
person and 2 on the phone (I already ordered from Amazon).  Here is a composite of 
what I heard from all 3 of them:

  ME:       Do you have the new 8.0 release of RedHat Linux?
  EMPLOYEE: No, we're still carrying 7.3.  As a matter of
            fact, we also have 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 and
            6.something-or-other.  But we will be getting
            8.0 and it's cheaper than 7.3.
  ME:       When will you be getting 8.0 then?
  EMPLOYEE: They won't send us any until we get can sell of
            some of these 7.3 boxes.

I counted boxes on the shelf: they had 11 7.3's on the shelf (personal and 
professional) plus a few 7.1 and 7.0 boxes and even one 6.2 - the professional 
release, I think - sitting on the shelf. The employee told me that they had about 50 
more 7.3's in the back along with "an unopend case of 7.2's".   He said it would be a 
while before they could get 8.0 because they had such a large stock of other RedHat 
boxed sets still on hand.  He also knew that they would not sell too well now that 8.0 
was out, but he said his hands were tied.  I didn't ask at the other 2 stores.

While I doubt if every else's experience with CompUSA will be the same (and in their 
defense, I bought 7.3 there the day after it was initially released...), I found this 
a little bit humorous...

William W. Austin                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Life is just a phase I'm going through..."

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