I got the answer from the German data archives in Cologne.
You find the use conditions here:
. The Flash Eurobarometer surveys are access category 0, i.e. it can be
used without license.
You can download other data (and questionnaires etc.) in SPSS format
free of charge one registered at
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
On 17/01/2022 19:02, Ben Pfaff wrote:
Thanks a lot! What is the license for the data?
On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 6:09 AM ft gmail <public....@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Ben,
This is a shortened Flash Eurobarometer 383 survey from September
2013 which includes a multi-response variable
Q9 Which of the following are reasons why you own or used to own a
and some accompanying socio-demographic nominal, ordinal and
scale variables,
with n = 26,555 in 28 countries.
I shortened the labels for the multi-response question Q9 so that
you can produce a readable table.
See attached save file and the questionnaire.
I am looking very much forward to your implementation of CTABLES.
On 17/01/2022 07:37, Ben Pfaff wrote:
Here's an example of what I can do currently with this dataset
and CTABLES. Syntax:
CTABLES /TABLE QN105BA[c] + QN105BB[c] + QN105BC[c] + QN105BD[c]
Custom Tables
│ │ Almost │ Very │ Somewhat │ Somewhat │
Very │
│ │ certain │ likely │ likely │ unlikely │
unlikely │
│ ├───────────┼────────┼───────────┼─────────────┼──────────┤
│ │ Count │ Count │ Count │ Count │ Count │
│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had too much to │
700│ 1502│ 2763│ 1307│ 609│
│drink to drive safely will A. Get stopped by the police? │
│ │ │ │ │
│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had too much to │
1100│ 2819│ 2417│ 430│ 140│
│drink to drive safely will B. Have an accident? │
│ │ │ │ │
│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had too much to │
1149│ 2037│ 2032│ 994│ 622│
│drink to drive safely will C. Be convicted for drunk driving? │
│ │ │ │ │
│105b. How likely is it that drivers who have had too much to │
1101│ 1834│ 2307│ 1095│ 549│
│drink to drive safely will D. Be arrested for drunk driving? │
│ │ │ │ │
So, progress!
On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 2:29 PM Ben Pfaff <b...@cs.stanford.edu>
Here is one data set that seems to suit the purpose:
It's not perfect because the variable names are poor (they
are simply
named for question numbers) and because a lot of the
variables have a
wrong measurement level, but I'm going to start from it.
Please feel free to send me more data sets.
On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 10:40 AM Ben Pfaff
<b...@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hi! I'm getting to the point with work on CTABLES that I
need a good
> data set for use in examples. A good data set would need to be:
> * Publicly available and freely redistributable.
> * Medium size (at least hundreds of cases).
> * Have a mix of categorical and scale variables.
> * Contain some variables suitable for multiple response sets.
> I can't use the data sets that come with SPSS because it's
not clear
> that they are freely redistributable.
> I'd appreciate advice and pointers.
> Thanks,
> Ben.