Here is one data set that seems to suit the purpose:
It's not perfect because the variable names are poor (they are simply
named for question numbers) and because a lot of the variables have a
wrong measurement level, but I'm going to start from it.

Please feel free to send me more data sets.

On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 10:40 AM Ben Pfaff <> wrote:
> Hi! I'm getting to the point with work on CTABLES that I need a good
> data set for use in examples. A good data set would need to be:
> * Publicly available and freely redistributable.
> * Medium size (at least hundreds of cases).
> * Have a mix of categorical and scale variables.
> * Contain some variables suitable for multiple response sets.
> I can't use the data sets that come with SPSS because it's not clear
> that they are freely redistributable.
> I'd appreciate advice and pointers.
> Thanks,
> Ben.

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