On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 8:50 AM <jhwh...@techwriteinc.com> wrote: > It would be helpful if gridlines could be shown. I realize the tables > could be imported into Word, Excel, or other applications, and lines could > be added. I assume that the tables in PSPP would have hidden lines (cells) > to import to an application. In SPSS, I used the Tables option to display > data for lay personnel, and not so much for me as I was okay with the > non-table formats generated by SPSS and, thanks to you, PSPP. My data > tables were used in grant applications for federal and state funding and to > discuss using big data findings with college and university personnel. It > amazes me that most colleges and universities do not see the value of data > mining and reporting. > > PSPP supports all SPSS TableLooks, both standard and custom. You just point it to the .tlo file using SET TLOOK or a command-line option.
I would be interested in knowing the cell reporting options (row, column, > sheet counts and percentages, etc.) you plan to use. I do not need to know > this now. When I used SPSS, there were some annoying limitations on > displaying stats and formats. I am excited about what you have done and > realize that enhancements will be made over time, just as you always have > with PSPP. > I plan to support all the summary functions mentioned in the SPSS syntax referenc for CTABLES. I already support most of them. I am not sure whether I will initially support multiple-response sets; I haven't written any code for them yet.