On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 10:07:09AM +0200, Dr. Oliver Walter wrote:
     Am 14.10.2018 um 09:41 schrieb John Darrington:
     > Which is why I suggested using one of the CDF functions.
     > There is no T function, but there is a F function, which I think is the
     > same if you set DF2 to 1.  But you probably know better than me about
     > those details.  Perhaps IDF.F (0.05, N -1, 1) is what Werner wants (I
     > haven't tried it)?
     Ok. I see. I think the t distribution is implemented in PSPP.
     IDF.T(0.975, n-1) gives the correct t value for a 95% CI. Werner could
     try it.

Oh you're right.  There is a IDF.T function after all, so it's even


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