> It seems to be a mixed ANCOVA with a within-subjects factor called
> "Location", a between-subjects factor called "Group" and a covariate
> "Age".  I think that the GLM command in PSPP is not able to compute
> such an analysis.  GLM can only compute between-subjects designs in
> PSPP (cf. PSPP manual, p. 143).

Yes.  As mentioned before, however, I'm not interested in the complete
analysis but only in reproducing the bar diagram.  Note that the
printed SPSS report doesn't ever mention a CI value; it is only used
for the error bar in the diagram – which are huge in this particular
case, BTW.  I hope it is safe to assume that the error bars can be
approximated by the simplest approach (i.e., based on a model for few
samples) in case SPSS uses different values.

So: Is there a command in PSPP that directly gives me a standard CI
value?  Or does I have to cook it up using the formula already
mentioned in this thread?

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