Dear Alan, Ann and Harry,

Many thanks for your inputs on my issues of slow PSPP.
I have used the Task Manager as suggested by Alan and
found that often there is an alternation between PSPP
and System Idle Manager using a high percentage of memory.
This happens when PSPP is saying (Not Responding)

My laptop has 4 GB of memory in two main memory slots, according
to the product specification sheet.

If I can get a chance later I will send a screenshot.

Cecily Ray

On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 7:47 PM, Harry Thijssen <>

> Hi Cecily
> I don't think PSPP is to slow with big datasets. 500 Mb is not that big. I
> just think you are not working with an optimal configuration.
> The tests Alan suggested would have given more info about the problem so
> people could give you an advice. May guess at the moment is that you should
> use  a bigger workspace or have a problem with your tmp files on a slow
> disk. The later is unlikely as I expect just 1 disk in your laptop.
> Assuming you have a laptop with at least 4 Gb memory I would recommend
> setting your workspace to 500 Mb or more. You can do this in the
> syntaxeditor window with:
> set WORKSPACE=524288.
> You can check this with:
> show ALL.
> You find the syntax editor by going in PSPPIRE to the file tab and then
> syntax.
> If you could tell the exact file you downloaded for your work people could
> try to find out what is going on and help you.  It would also be usefull if
> you could post what happens if you change your workspace settings as
> suggested above.
> Have fun
> <> Date: Sat, 24 Sep
>> 2016 00:08:10 +0530
>> From: Cecily Ray <>
>> To: Alan Mead <>
>> Cc: "" <>
>> Subject: Re: PSPP not working
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CAFeo8o4PCFGNTaOCXf0+4mJ8iTJfUL7yJ0NP-myi1qPWY3zg0w@mail.
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Alan,
>> Thank you for your helpful replies. I now understand that PSPP works fine
>> with smaller datasets than with the large one I am using. I think I will
>> have
>> to go for a trial version of SPSS.
>> Cecily
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