Dear All

On linux and big data sets it was (at least in the past, not used recently) worthwhile to compile with a bigger workspace (if my memory is correct line 66 file settings.c in src/data). It seems to me that 64M is small with today memory but I'm not sure to be right

Many thanks for PSPP programmers


On 23. 09. 16 20:41, Alan Mead wrote:
Before you run a PSPP analysis, press the "CRTL" and "Alt" and "Delete" keys and select "Start Task Manager" and go to the "Processes" tab and click on CPU so that the little arrow points down.

This allows you to monitor the workload of your Windows computer. Then minimize Task Manager and start the analysis in PSPP. Then, while it says "Not Responding" look at the Task Manager window and see what CPU and Memory say. The CPU is in percentages and the Memory is in Kb.

If the CPU isn't always high (while PSPP is running your analysis) then it means that PSPP is running out of memory. Also if another program is competing for the CPU, you'll see that (less likely these days when most computers have multiple cores).


On 9/23/2016 1:23 PM, Cecily Ray wrote:

I performed a frequency operation on one variable with PSPP on
my large dataset. After a few minutes I got results (after getting
a "PSPPIRE Data Editor Not Responding" message. I will continue
trying to get results.

Cecily Ray

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:21 PM, Cecily Ray < <>> wrote:


    I have been able to successfully calculate the frequency of v1 in th
    dataset hotel.sav you sent me.

    I will try once again to do a frequency on a variable in the
    large dataset
    I have here and get back to you


    On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Alan Mead <
    <>> wrote:

        (Building off my last answer) That depends on how long you've
        allowed it to run.  Maybe PSPP is too slow.


        On 9/23/2016 12:33 PM, Cecily Ray wrote:
        Dear Alan,

        I have just now tried your suggestion on running
        Freq/variable in a blank window.
        That too gets PSPPIRE Editor (Not Responding). I have tried
        that on my daughter's
        laptop (a 64 bit COMPAQ) since I had already uninstalled
        PSPP on my laptop.

        I kind of assume that the dataset is too big for PSPP.

        Cecily Ray

        On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:53 PM, Cecily Ray
        < <>> wrote:

            Dear Alan,
            Thank you for your early reply.
            I had installed version 10.2 of PSPP. for 64 bit
            computers with Windows 7.
            My dataset was downloaded from
            (a Demographic and Health Survey for India) and its size
            is 429,852 Kb.

            I have been able to look at many of the variables to see
            their full names appear
            but when I ask the program to give me a frequency or
            something else, the top
            bar above the dataset says "(Not responding)".

            I am sorry I don't understand all the technical words
            you are using ("gui" etc.)
            but I have used SPSS for a number of years for my study
            and work so I know
            how to use it. However I never use any syntax apart from
            the program itself.

            I hope this clarifies the problem I am facing.

            Thanks and regards,
            Cecily Ray

            On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Alan Mead
            < <>> wrote:

                Do you recall what version of PSPP you installed? Do
                you recall if it was the 32-bit or 64-bit version? I
                am using an older version, pspp 0.10.1-g1082b8, and
                it works fine on my 64-bit windows 7.

                When you say that the program doesn't respond, you
                click on the gui and a dialog opens but the
                statistics doesn't show up in the output? Or what
                exactly do you mean by "does not respond"?  Compared
                to SPSS (which raises the output window when new
                output appears) PSPP is relatively quiet (the output
                window should "throb" but not raise itself).

                After opening a dataset, if you click File > New >
                Syntax do you get a blank syntax window? And can you
                type: "freq / x." (without the quotes)? And If you
                then change "x" to be one of your variables and
                select Run > All does output appear?


                On 9/23/2016 6:44 AM, Cecily Ray wrote:
                Dear Programmers,

                Yesterday I installed PPSP for Windows (I have
                version 7)  on my Toshiba Satellite C655 laptop (64
                The dataset opens nicely but the program does not
                respond whenever I try any performing any operation
                like frequencies of a variable.

                If you can help me know what to do at the earliest,
                I would be most grateful.

                Thanking you,
                Cecily Ray

                Pspp-users mailing list

                Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
                President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

                science + technology = better workers

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                functions on fire in a copy of Orion.
                I watched C-Sharp glitter in the dark near a programmable gate.
                All those moments will be lost in time, like Ruby... on... 
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                           --"The Register" user Alister, applying the famous
                             "Blade Runner" speech to software development

        Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
        President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

        science + technology = better workers

        +815.588.3846 (Office)
        +267.334.4143 (Mobile)

        I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe...
        functions on fire in a copy of Orion.
        I watched C-Sharp glitter in the dark near a programmable gate.
        All those moments will be lost in time, like Ruby... on... Rails... 
Time for Pi.

                   --"The Register" user Alister, applying the famous
                     "Blade Runner" speech to software development


Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

science + technology = better workers

+815.588.3846 (Office)
+267.334.4143 (Mobile)

I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe...
functions on fire in a copy of Orion.
I watched C-Sharp glitter in the dark near a programmable gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like Ruby... on... Rails... Time for Pi.

           --"The Register" user Alister, applying the famous
             "Blade Runner" speech to software development

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