> > I try to save the data file under 'PSPP' it comes up with an error
> > message saying 'permission denied'
> that sounds like you are trying to save the files under c:\program
> files\pspp and that isn't a good place to save files and Windows will
> prevent you from doing so unless you are an administrator.  Try saving
> in your "My Documents" folder.
> But the other possibility is that this is a bug that the developers have
> been working on. I'm sorry I don't recall what work-around exists, but
> hopefully one of them will reply. I think the bug was related to having
> either spaces or non-ASCII characters in the path and so you might try
> saving in a place that doesn't have those problems (e.g.,
> "c:\pspp_files" which you would need to have administrator's rights, or
> possible to a thumb drive mounted as "E:\").
It is non-ascii characters in the filename or the path. Anyway, this
shouldn't happen any more in the latest version when you save it from the
GUI. So I don't think this is the problem.

> About the folders not being seen, I don't know how the Windows version
> of PSPP picks up folders but I have the same problem.  There is a
> slightly awkward work-around (maybe someone can supply a better one).
> On my version of PSPP I have a choice on the left sidebar of the "Open"
> dialog called "Enter Location" which can open any location.  So, you
> just need to enter the location for One Drive. Here's my shortcut for
> figuring out what the destination is:  I go to Windows explorer (i.e.,
> the way you normally look at files in Windows) and open the drive so I
> can see the files.  Then I click in the address bar at the top. Before I
> click into the bar, it says something like "(folder icon) > amead >
> Google Drive" but after you click there, the location (e.g.,
> "C:\Users\amead\Google Drive") is displayed and can be copied-and-pasted
> it into the "Enter Location" field in PSPP. In this way, I can open my
> Google Drive, even though it's not shown initially.

You can type \users in the name bar at the top. Or choice Documents in the
left pain and then in the address bar above the right pane click on your
username to go to your personal folder.
I will see if I can find something on the internet about this issue,

These steps work in Windows 7, I assume something like this is possible
> in the desktop mode of Windows 8 and 10.  If not, you could try
> "C:\Users" into "Enter Location" and then double-click on your username
> and all your special drives should be shown.

It is the same in MSWindows 10.

Have fun
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