I'm a new user of PSPP. I have used SPSS for a long time but just started using 
PSPP a couple of months ago and I have several questions and would appreciate 
someone's help. 

    * Crosstabs -- I don't see how to run a three-variable crosstab from the 
graphical interface. It appears that it only runs two-variable tables. However, 
when I use my SPSS syntax file it will read the file and create a 
three-variable table. Here's an example of the SPSS syntax. CROSSTABS 
/TABLES=g2_owngun BY d5_sex BY d11_class /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT 
COLUMN. Is there a way to do this from the interface? 
    * Select cases -- I want to create a dummy variable for use with 
regression. In SPSS I would use the Compute command to set a variable equal to 
0. Then I would use the select cases command to change that variable to 1 if 
the person was male. I would click on select cases and then then on the If 
button and then tell SPSS to change the value to 1 if the person was male. 
Here's an example of the SPSS syntax. COMPUTE d5_sex_males=0. IF (d5_sex = 1) 
d5_sex_males=1. That would give me the dummy variable. But I can't see how to 
do this from the interface in PSPP. lt will however run the SPSS syntax file 
and do it correctly. I'm writing exercises for my students and don't want to 
have to show them syntax. I want to be able to do it from the interface. Is 
that possible? 
    * In SPSS you can click on Edit and then on Options and tell SPSS to show 
the variable names alphabetically. In PSPP it shows the variable labels instead 
of the variable names. Is there any way to get it to show the variable names in 
the interface? 

Thank you for all help you might be able to give me. 


Ed Nelson 
Professor Emeritus of Sociology 
CSU Fresno 
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