Does any file name that contains spaces cause trouble under Windows?
I've just tested out a few simple cases with spaces on GNU/Linux,
without trouble, so I'd be curious to hear what kinds of cases do cause

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 11:54:08AM -0600, Alan Mead wrote:
> FWIW, I've run into trouble like this when there are spaces in Windows
> paths.  It looks like FTR's path doesn't have a space but does Windows
> actually have a folder named "Documents"?  When I run the code below (on
> the example hotels.sav) and then look in "My Documents" (not "Documents"
> although it's there too) I see the test data (so this works for me).
> save translate
> /outfile ="C:\Users\amead\Documents\test_data.csv"
> /type = csv
> /fieldnames
> /cells = values
> /keep v3 v1 to v2.
> But this code produces FTR's error:
> save translate
> /outfile ="C:\Users\amead\My Documents\test_data.csv"
> /type = csv
> /fieldnames
> /cells = values
> /keep v3 v1 to v2.
> So, again, FWIW...
> -Alan
> On 1/14/2015 1:47 AM, Alberto Cabello Sánchez wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:13:29 -0800
> > Ben Pfaff <> wrote:
> >
> >>> The error message says (translated from the French text):
> >>> Creating temporary file resulted in error  (file name): No such file or
> >>> directory.
> >> Usually, in creating a file, "No such file or directory" means that the
> >> directory does not exist.  So, the most likely problem here seems to be
> >> that the name of the directory is misspelled.  Could you make really
> >> sure that it is correct?
> >>
> >>> Error when opening
> >>> C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv" when writing 
> >>> as
> >>> a system file: success.
> >> This message seems like a genuine bug, but I cannot see how it would
> >> happen.  I cannot reproduce it locally (on GNU/Linux), even when I
> >> specify the name of a nonexistent directory as part of the outfile.
> > Could it be a privileges issue (e. g. no writing permission on a folder
> > in the file path)?
> >
> > Also, it seems "almost OK": it raises an error but then displays "success",
> > but still an error (as the file is not created). Double-checking the Windows
> > behaviour regarding this code
> >
> >   /* Create the file on disk. */
> >   w->rf = replace_file_start (fh_get_file_name (fh), "w", 0666,
> >                               &w->file, NULL);
> >   if (w->rf == NULL)
> >     {
> >       msg (ME, _("Error opening `%s' for writing as a system file: %s."),
> >            fh_get_file_name (fh), strerror (errno));
> >       goto error;
> >     }
> >
> >
> > should be helpful.
> >
> -- 
> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
> science + technology = better workers
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