On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 05:58:49PM +0100, John Darrington wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 05:50:33PM +0100, F. Thomas wrote:
>      The only (minor) surprise: During a first run I copy-pasted a
>      file name ending with a sav format as outfile name in the Save
>      Translate command.
>      It worked and produced, as I had demanded, an outfile named as a
>      sav file, but in fact it is  a csv file when you open it.
> The file format is determined by the argument to the /TYPE subcommand.
> The name of the file is something quite independent.  
> Of course, convention dictates that if you save something as a csv format,
> you should normally choose a filename ending in ".csv" - but this is
> merely a convention.

More often, I see CSV files saved with .txt extensions, so it's not a
widely honored convention ;-)

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