On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 04:28:49PM +0100, ftr wrote:
> I try to export a part of my sav file into a text file to treat it in
> another prog.
> This is the syntax used:
> save translate
> /outfile ="C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv"
> /type = csv
> /fieldnames
> /cells = values
> /keep v3 country v125 to v130.
> The error message says (translated from the French text):
> Creating temporary file resulted in error  (file name): No such file or
> directory.

Usually, in creating a file, "No such file or directory" means that the
directory does not exist.  So, the most likely problem here seems to be
that the name of the directory is misspelled.  Could you make really
sure that it is correct?

> Error when opening
> C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv" when writing as
> a system file: success.

This message seems like a genuine bug, but I cannot see how it would
happen.  I cannot reproduce it locally (on GNU/Linux), even when I
specify the name of a nonexistent directory as part of the outfile.

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