Out of curiosity, your bug report doesn't actually say anything about
the file.  It was NOT created? Or it was blank?

Is this with the version Harry posted yesterday or a previous version?


On 1/13/2015 9:28 AM, ftr wrote:
> I doubt that my previous message arrived at the list. So I resend it
> again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
> Hi,
> I try to export a part of my sav file into a text file to treat it in
> another prog.
> This is the syntax used:
> save translate
> /outfile ="C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv"
> /type = csv
> /fieldnames
> /cells = values
> /keep v3 country v125 to v130.
> The error message says (translated from the French text):
> Creating temporary file resulted in error  (file name): No such file
> or directory.
> Error when opening
> C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv" when
> writing as a system file: success.
> This is the original error message:
> erreur: Création du fichier temporaire
> C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv.tmpHyg9N8
> : No such file or directory.
> erreur: Erreur d'ouverture
> 'C:\Users\ftr\Documents\data\EVS-WVS\WVS5Europetrustvars.csv' lors de
> l'écriture en tant que fichier système : Success.
> However, the outfile line is just a copy-paste from the get file
> statement. So the directory exists in exactly the wording used.
> And the file name should end with the file format used in type
> statement, I guess.
> And there isn't any csv file anywhere. So the success statement seems
> surprising.
> So, what is wrong ? 
> A second question with the save translate command.
> The manual says (p.91) that missing can be recoded with the command line
> /missing = recode.
> But into what ?
> Thanks in advance,
> ftr
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