On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 03:20:32PM -0400, Luis A. Borri wrote:
     I have some experience with SPSS, so I decided to try out PSPP. I had no
     problem setting the variables and entering data. However, I could not save
     the data in my computer.  No matter what I did, I got the same message 
     below, I include an example of the message. I will appreciate any help on
     this.  Thanks.

This would seem to indicate that your tempdir is not set or is incorrect.

Can you please say which version of PSPP you have and also which operating 
you are using.

Can you also please enter the command SHOW ALL. in the syntax window and post 
results (preferebly in a plain text format).
Next time, please do not send messages like that below to this mailing list (in
any language!)  - This was explicitly requested in when you subscribed to the 
Thank you.

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