On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 08:47:06PM +0100, John Darrington wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 03:20:32PM -0400, Luis A. Borri wrote:
>      I have some experience with SPSS, so I decided to try out PSPP. I had no
>      problem setting the variables and entering data. However, I could not 
> save
>      the data in my computer.  No matter what I did, I got the same message 
>      below, I include an example of the message. I will appreciate any help on
>      this.  Thanks.
> This would seem to indicate that your tempdir is not set or is incorrect.

I think that the problem must be something a little different.  PSPP
does create a temporary file when it writes a .sav, but it creates the
temporary file in the same directory as the final .sav.  Luis's error
message shows that this is likely what is happening, because you can see
that the final file name is /a/long/path/foo.sav and the temporary file
name is /a/long/path/foo.sav.tmpblahblah.

I still don't know the root of the problem, but I think it is likely
that chasing down the tempdir is the wrong direction.

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