Hello, It is unclear to me how to quickly and efficiently combine a set of comma separated files into one data file. The easy solution would be to use the unix 'cat' command to concatenate the files then import using the graphical interface. However, I'm interested in a purely PSPP based solution.
I have tried GET DATA in combination with SAVE but it appears that the dataset must be made active. I am not certain about this step. GET DATA /TYPE=TXT /ARRANGEMENT=DELIMITED /FILE='e:\Dropbox\data\raw1.txt' /DELIMITERS=',' SAVE /OUTFILE = 'e:\dropbox\data\tmp.sav' It also appears that the VARIABLES subcommand is required. Is there a solution for when one has dozens of variables? The bigger problem is that I have many raw#.txt files, not necessarily contiguously numbered. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thank you. K.
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