I agree with John. You're right that unix cat is a good solution for concatenating delimited files in identical formats (and I think you can find windows-based cat programs) but that's an unusual use-case. The problem that John is pointing out is that PSPP and SPSS are assigning meta-data to the columns and that process is imperfect (although, in my experience, it works a lot better if the data are all generic numeric scalars).

Programs like PSPP work well when you are joining files in more complex ways. You're basically complaining that flyswatters work well for killing flies but hammers are less effective and leave big holes in the wall.

I haven't examined how PSPP handles this, but I had the impression that SPSS looks at the first few records (maybe it's all the records, but it seems unduly influenced by early records) to guess the meta-data, which works reasonably well if there's a single file. But treating each file independently has the potential to cause a lot of trouble when there are several files. My worse case scenario is using SPSS to join several delimited files on an alphanumeric key (e.g., email or Qualtrics' id or a hash). What I wish PSPP/SPSS would do is to detect that the keys have different lengths and either just ignore it or silently increase the length of the smaller key. If PSPP already does this, kudos!


On 11/12/2013 2:04 AM, Ken Singh wrote:

Thank you.

In the case of concatenating the csv files I don't think format specifiers are essential. As long as the files are of exactly the same format all variables will align. Once combined the file could be saved then loaded into the editor (which guesses the formats for each column). That said, I understand PSPP is meant to be a clone of SPSS, so likely there is no good solution available. It may still be the case that it's more expedient to use cat or or "copy /a" to join files then import into the editor. I had attempted a variation of your second suggestion but maybe conceded too early. I'll play with both of your suggestions. Thanks again.


On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 2:28 AM, John Darrington <j...@darrington.wattle.id.au <mailto:j...@darrington.wattle.id.au>> wrote:

    On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:35:40PM -0500, Ken Singh wrote:

         It is unclear to me how to quickly and efficiently combine a
    set of comma
         separated files into one data file. The easy solution would
    be to use the
         unix 'cat' command to concatenate the files then import using
    the graphical
         interface.  However, I'm interested in a purely PSPP based

         I have tried GET DATA in combination with SAVE but it appears
    that the
         dataset must be made active.  I am not certain about this step.

         GET DATA

             /OUTFILE = 'e:\dropbox\data\tmp.sav'

    Here is one way you could solve that problem, assuming that both your
    CSV files have the same arrangement:

    dataset declare d_one.
    dataset activate d_one.
    GET DATA /TYPE=TXT /FILE='one.csv' /VARIABLES=x F8.2 y F8.2 z F8.2.

    dataset declare d_two.
    dataset activate d_two.
    GET DATA /TYPE=TXT /FILE='two.csv' /VARIABLES=x F8.2 y F8.2 z F8.2.

    dataset declare d_concat.
    dataset activate d_concat.

    ADD FILES /FILE=d_one /FILE=d_two.


         It also appears that the VARIABLES subcommand is required.
     Is there a
         solution for when one has dozens of variables?

    The problem with CSV is that there is no metadata.  How should
    pspp (or anyone else!)
    know if a column is to be interpreted as a string, a date, or
    whatever?  If you
    happen to know that all your files have the same arrangement, then
    one solution you
    could try, is to use psppire's import function to "guess" the
    arrangement of each file
    (hopefully it should guess each one identically) and save to a
    .sav - then you can use
    ADD FILES to concatonate all the files at once.

         The bigger problem is that I have many raw#.txt files, not
         contiguously numbered.  Any suggestions would be most

    Again, if the order that the .txt files should be read cannot be
    determined from
    the names, then you must tell it.  At the end of the day, pspp is
    a statistical
    analysis tool, not an artificial intelligence engine (although the
    format guesser does
    attempt to go a small way in that direction).

    Hope this is helpful.

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