Hi PSPP people,

I was very excited to stumble across PSPP this afternoon. I've had a little
play and come up with a simple Perl module that wraps the pspp binary and
scratches my itch of wanting to generate downloadable SPSS-compatible files
(.sav) on the fly from a website.

It's nothing more than a dumb wrapper at this stage, but please let me know
if you're interested in using the module from your own Perl code and if so
what sort of features/API might be desirable.

The module is up on github <http://github.com/pdonelan/PSPP/tree/master> and
CPAN <http://search.cpan.org/%7Epdonelan/PSPP-0.01/lib/PSPP.pm>.


Patrick Donelan
Pspp-users mailing list

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