Hi Patrick,

If you want to upload the module to CPAN, that's fine by me.  The module uses 
ExtUtils::MakeMaker, so should conform to CPAN requirements.  Currently, I don't
have the time to commit to another site's admin.    However, I will try to fix
any bugs which are discovered in the module.

Note that the module is GPLv3+.  You need to make sure that by uploading to 
you remain in compliance with the licence.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:03:51PM +1000, Patrick Donelan wrote:
     Would the author (the POD says it's John Darrington) consider uploading the
     module to CPAN? That would help other Perl developers like me find it in 
     I'll move my module out of the PSPP namespace, and am happy to upload the
     official module to CPAN if that would help.
     On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
     > Patrick Donelan <p...@patspam.com> writes:
     > > I was very excited to stumble across PSPP this afternoon. I've had a
     > little
     > > play and come up with a simple Perl module that wraps the pspp binary 
     > > scratches my itch of wanting to generate downloadable SPSS-compatible
     > files
     > > (.sav) on the fly from a website.
     > Do you know that PSPP includes its own Perl module for reading
     > and writing .sav files?
     > --
     > Ben Pfaff
     > http://benpfaff.org

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