Steffen Nurpmeso:
Wietse Venema wrote in
 |Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
 |>>Matus UHLAR - fantomas:
 |>>> On 17.08.22 13:45, Andy Beverley wrote:
 |>>>>This is an interesting point that I hadn't thought of. I have
 |>>>>smtputf8_enable set to yes, but I have just checked the remote server
 |>>>>and it only shows:
 |>>>>250 HELP
 |>>>>So are you suggesting that what might be happening is that the email
 |>>>>is being DKIM-signed as an 8-bit message (with the opendkim milter),
 |>>>>and then after the signature has been added that the content is then
 |>>>>altered in order to be delivered as a 7-bit message?
 |> On 17.08.22 10:49, Wietse Venema wrote:
 |>>This has nothing to do with SMTPUTF8.
 |>>You might work around this by settting
 |>>    disable_mime_output_conversion = yes
 |> won't this stop mail from being deliverable to the other side?
 |Then it would have a different name.
 |This setting has been a workaround for SMTP-based content filters
 |that don't announce 8BITMIME support.

This thread is interesting to me since i have on my (too long)
to-do list the desire to write a DKIM thing (the only of those
things that i think are good ones).  I wonder all the time because
RFC 6376 explicitly says

   Some messages, particularly those using 8-bit characters, are subject
   to modification during transit, notably conversion to 7-bit form.
   Such conversions will break DKIM signatures.  In order to minimize
   the chances of such breakage, Signers SHOULD convert the message to a
   suitable MIME content-transfer encoding such as quoted-printable or
   base64 as described in [RFC2045] before signing.  Such conversion is
   outside the scope of DKIM; the actual message SHOULD be converted to
   7-bit MIME by an MUA or MSA prior to presentation to the DKIM

Which is why i thought (once i looked a couple of months ago)
i _enforce_ postfix to do the conversion for me by not announcing
8BITMIME in the filter.  (By then i thought something like milter
for verification and filter for generation, iirc.)

On 17.08.22 12:43, Wietse Venema wrote:
How would that help an after-filter DKIM verifier, or a DKIM verifier
that isd called from inside the filter??

I guess the point of this conversion should be to recode message before DKIM-signing.

Yes, for outoing messages this requires one hop to a server that doesn't announce 8bitmime and signs the message.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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