On Mon, December 21, 2020 20:00, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
> If you are able to connect via 465, then maybe the application just isn't
> designed to use "inline" TLS, but rather uses only SMTP-over-TLS? The latter
> is supported on port 465, while submission via port 587 requires first
> plaintext connection and then dynamic in-session switchover to TLS, using
> STARTTLS command. Maybe your application just does not support that?
That is a possibility. However, having looked at the example configurations
and discussions on the application support groups, it appears to me that
connecting to port 25 with STARTTLS is the accepted practice.
The problem I had with the certificate negotiation is not uncommon with this
application, due to Java's rather idiosyncratic PKI certificate handling. I had
reason to believe that when I finally solved that problem then everything else
would just work. The SSLv3 problem was a surprise, but was easily compensated
for. But, I still cannot get this application to send email so there must be
something else that I have done, or not done, which is preventing this from
And it seems that I am past the SSL problems and into SMTP, I hope.
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