
i have withdrawn from 
Jaroslaw Rafa wrote in
 |Dnia 25.08.2020 o godz. 23:39:43 Steffen Nurpmeso pisze:
 |> Usually you be given a username and a password, and a server name
 |> and a port. That you enter into the MUA, and the rest you do not
 |> know. (Unless you use a real primitive MUA, where you have to be
 |> explicit.)
 |I would say the opposite: it is a rather primitive MUA that does not \
 |give you
 |more configuration settings.

Well i have no idea.  I only ever used pine, mutt, alpine and the
thing i maintain.  I once started into Apple Mail by 2010
(November 2009 i bought the one Apple i wanted to have once, so
around that time), and also i unfortunately have to enter the
GMail web interface sometimes because i have message size
restrictions for the box they forward to, and especially if my
mother sends me super-over-sized photos this does not work out
... and all that is a closed black box.  The former even with
icons for text attachments and such.

I have read the bugzilla/forum thread that was referred to in this
thread last year, and in that thread a very big graphical
application was made configurable in respect to AUTH.

 |In most MUAs I used, besides a server name and a port, you can (and should)
 |configure whether a) you want to use AUTH or not b) you want to connect
 |unencrypted, encrypted via SMTP-over-TLS (as typically on port 465) or
 |encrypted via STARTTLS (as typically on port 587). Of course there are some
 |defaults for these parameters, but you can always change them.
 |If you configure in the MUA that you don't want to use AUTH, then you also
 |don't enter any username and password. And with this setting the MUA does
 |not try to use AUTH even if the server advertises it.

You know, the nice thing about this thread is that i have reread
the entire postfix TLS and ACCESS readme files, and i have a much
better configuration now.  I even started thinking whether
i should support relay for authenticated clients, instead of going
over ssh all the time.  (Though the mux is practically always
online if i am online, so ...)

I would have no idea how to configure GMail or the Apple Mail
i used (once, a decade ago) to achieve that.

Having said that, one more thing comes to mind regarding postfix.


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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