Dnia 25.08.2020 o godz. 23:39:43 Steffen Nurpmeso pisze:
> Usually you be given a username and a password, and a server name
> and a port. That you enter into the MUA, and the rest you do not
> know. (Unless you use a real primitive MUA, where you have to be
> explicit.)

I would say the opposite: it is a rather primitive MUA that does not give you
more configuration settings.

In most MUAs I used, besides a server name and a port, you can (and should)
configure whether a) you want to use AUTH or not b) you want to connect
unencrypted, encrypted via SMTP-over-TLS (as typically on port 465) or
encrypted via STARTTLS (as typically on port 587). Of course there are some
defaults for these parameters, but you can always change them.
If you configure in the MUA that you don't want to use AUTH, then you also
don't enter any username and password. And with this setting the MUA does
not try to use AUTH even if the server advertises it.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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