
I had the unfortunate situation the other day, that the network my postfix mailserver is in, was suddenly not reachable from parts of the Internet. Basically Vodafone messed up some internal filters. While they were trying to sort things out, I was having a look to see how I could reduce the impact of that problem.

Until now, I had refrained from using a backup-mx as spam control becomes much harder if there's multiple MX servers, especially when the primary MX is offline. In this situation, my primary MX was not offline, only not reachable for everyone.

My plan was to setup a proxy on a backup machine somewhere else and just proxy 25/tcp to my primary MX. My initial plan was to use smtpd_upstream_proxy_protocol = haproxy and thus inform the smtpd of the real source IP of the connection to make limits etc. work again.

Turns out, this is not really possible because if I read the code at https://github.com/vdukhovni/postfix/blob/e1b52f45e32e042b84c935f2a29baadefc62ff2d/postfix/src/smtpd/smtpd_peer.c#L548 correctly, using haproxy is an all or nothing setting. If it's active, every single connection needs to have the source/protocol definition from the HAProxy proxy protocol attached. If not, postfix assumes an error and hangs up.

What I did end up doing was setup a slightly modified Python SMTP proxy that I had previously written which adds X-Client information to the Session to make things work. This worked nicely for me.

That being said, I think that it would be a really nifty feature - similiar to the smtpd_authorized_xclient_hosts setting - to have a smtpd_upstream_proxy_hosts setting which limits the hangup-if-no-proxy-information-available functionality to these peers. e.g. regular unproxied smtp connections are possible in parallel to proxied connections. Hangups only happen if a connection without proxy information comes in from a host defined to be a proxy.

I'm happy to give it a shot and see if my rusty C skills are good enough to implement that, but would such a feature have any chance of being merged? Or do you think this is not a good idea? Or did I just read the code incorrectly and stuff actually works fine?


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