> Your real problem is however your IP reputation.  If you're sending
> unsolicited email, or you have relay customers sending unsolicited mail,
> then your difficulties delivering it are a desirable feature of
> Microsoft's email service.  If you're sending email outlook.com
> customers want, then you should be able to work with Microsoft to
> resolve the obstacles (they should be willing to whitelist your
> address).
We send a Bible Daily Devotion email to 30K double opted in
subscribers each morning. We grew to this size over 10 years. We use
SPF, DKIM and DMARC to protect this email. We remove subscribers based
on bounced email and participate in the ISP Feedback Loops.  Before
creating the new server (used exclusively for sending devotion email),
we could only deliver 300 emails per minute.  It takes almost two
hours to deliver our email at this rate and our subscriptions continue
to grow.  We send two emails to each subscriber on the 1st of every
month (tomorrow) which takes almost four hours at 300 per minute.

Microsoft SNDS shows our ip addresses as "Green" -- no issues.  I will
try to figure out how to communicate our needs to outlook with the
hope of being placed on a whitelist.

Thanks, Greg

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