> > We would like to use Per-Destination Connection Caching to increase
> > our throughput for "outlook:".
> No, you *do not* want to do that.  That can increase connection
> concurrency beyond your process limit, in the form of idle connections
> that have a different nexthop than the one to which you're currently
> delivering email.
> Instead, you want to *disable* even demand connection caching.

I updated master.cf based on your recommendation:

outlook  unix  -       -       n       -       6       smtp
  -o syslog_name=outlook
  -o smtp_connection_cache_on_demand=no

We have our ip addresses signed up for both SNDS and JMRP. Are there
additional white list strategies for Microsoft?

Turning off connection caching is not intuitive from reading the

SMTP Connection caching can also help with receivers that impose rate
limits on new connections.

and suggests:

smtp_connection_cache_destinations = hotmail.com, ...

Perhaps I wanted the connection cache to be the solution for "has
exceeded the maximum number of connections" when I read the README.

Thanks, Greg

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 3:52 PM Viktor Dukhovni
<postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 10:58:20AM -0700, Greg Sims wrote:
> > We are seeing: "has exceeded the maximum number of connections" in our
> > logs for domains associated with outlook.com.  We have a transport
> > named "outlook:" in transport.regexp as follows:
> >
> > # outlook.com domains
> > #
> > /@outlook(\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2}$/  outlook:
> > /@hotmail(\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2}$/  outlook:
> > /@live(\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2}$/        outlook:
> > /@msn\.com$/                        outlook:
> Fine.
> > main.cf is configured as follows:
> >
> > outlook_destination_concurrency_limit = 6
> > outlook_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit = 100
> > outlook_destination_concurrency_positive_feedback = 1/3
> > outlook_destination_concurrency_negative_feedback = 1/8
> OK.
> > This transport is configured as follows in master.cf:
> >
> > outlook  unix  -       -       n       -       6       smtp
> >   -o syslog_name=outlook
> Fine.
> > We can control the number of "has exceeded the maximum number of
> > connections" messages we see by limiting the number of processes in
> > master.cf.
> Sure.
> > We would like to use Per-Destination Connection Caching to increase
> > our throughput for "outlook:".
> No, you *do not* want to do that.  That can increase connection
> concurrency beyond your process limit, in the form of idle connections
> that have a different nexthop than the one to which you're currently
> delivering email.
> Instead, you want to *disable* even demand connection caching.
> > Our mail server does not specify
> > "relayhost =" in main.cf.  Is it possible to associate per-destination
> > caching with the "outlook:" transport?  If not, what is the best
> > alternative?
> The question is moot.  You DO NOT want to do this.
> > smtp_connection_cache_destinations = hotmail.com, hotmail.es,
> > hotmail.co.uk, outlook.com, outlook.es, live.com, msn.com
> See above.
> > should we try to include All the domains associated with "outlook:" so
> > even small volume domains are not counted as connections by
> > outlook.com servers?  If this is the case, should/can we point
> > "smtp_connection_cache_destinations =" to a regexp file?
> You DO NOT want to cache connections.  But you may want to route more
> domains to this transport that you know are handled by Microsoft's
> mail hosts.
> The right solution is to get whitelisted by Microsoft, because you're
> sending content their users want.
> --
>     Viktor.

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